Adding Youtube Playlist Using JW Player to Blogger

I have got a number of questions from's visitors. Those questions are asking about "how to add youtube video playlist to blogger"; I come this time to show you a very simple way and perfectly working on most Blogger's template. This tutorial is abou "how to add youtube playlist using with JW Player". Jw Player is the most popular media player online providing a good solution to a publisher whose job is about blogging.

Adding Jw Player to blogger

1. Adding Script to Blogger Template

With this tutorial, it very simple and easy way for somebody who is about video blogging.
Now, let see the following step:
1. Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit Template
2. Click anywhere inside the code area >> press "Ctrl + F" on your keyboard to open the search box
3. Inside the search box past this </head> tags and hit Enter to find it.
4. Just above the </head> past the following code.
<script src=''/>
<script src=''/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
if (window.jstiming) window.jstiming.load.tick('headEnd');

5. Save Template

2. Adding JavaSript to specific Post/Page

Now you add the following script to the specific post/page you want to:
1. Go to blogger dashboard and create a new post/page for your video
2. Tab to the"HTML" area and past the following script:

<div id="playerSpuurExoMyae">
<script type="text/javascript">
jwplayer('playerSpuurExoMyae').setup({ playlist: [

{"file": "","title": "249.Short Question and Answer [Ven San Sochea]","description": "","image": ""},
{"file": "","title": "244.Short Question and Answer [Ven San Sochea] ","description": "","image": ""},

listbar: {position: 'bottom',size: 200},
width: '100%',
aspectratio: '16:9',
skin: 'beelden',
});var jwp = jwplayer(playerSpuurExoMyae);
Note: 1- You just change youtube video ID in the red color, Video ID is the last character of youtube URL like (v=XXXXXX)
          2- For the green color add the same video ID for the thumbnail.
          3- If you want to change the position of your video list just choose one of this ( 'right', 'left', 'bottom')
          4-If you want to add more videos on a list, just copy the hold script where it say "file":xxxx.               Make sure you add video ID to both side "at the red color and green color".
I hope that this tutorail will fully help you. If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact me or write your comment. Don't foreget to subscribe and like facebook page to recieve every post on this site. 

sumber :

How to add JWPlayer to Blogger or Blogspot

Hi guys!
To day I would like to show you , how to add JWPlayer to Blogger or Blogspot.
Ok! Follow me! Step by Step , Here We Go!
Step 1
From your blogger dashboard,go to the Template > Edit HTML and press the Ctrl+F keys to open the Blogger search box.

Step 2
Type the </head> tag inside the search box and hit enter to find it.and the copy the code below and paste it before the </head> tag.
<script src=''/>
and save it.
Step 3

Copy the code below and paste it on your post or page and change the YouTube Video ID

<div id='playerSpuurExoMyae'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
        file: '//',
        title: 'YouHappy',
        width: '100%',
        aspectratio: '16:9',
        autostart: 'true',
        primary: 'flash'

And then publish your post or page. that's all.

How to Embed JW Player in Blogger to Play Flash/ MP4/ FLV Videos?

How to Embed JW Player in Blogger to Play Flash/ MP4/ FLV Videos?

Sometimes you may want to play MP4 / FLV videos or SWF flash from Blogger (, and wonder how to do it. It's not that hard- there are some good, free /open source video players available for you to use- JW Player (from Longtail Video) is one of those.

To use JW Player in Blogger, you just need to copy and paste the JW Player embed codes to posts, that's it.

But first, you need to add the  swfobject.js Javascript codes to the <head> section in your Blogger template.

Here's how and an example.

Add swfobject.js Javascript codes into template's <head> section

Before embedding any JW players on the Blogger post or page, make sure to include the swfobject.js script in the <head> section of your template HTML. You can leverage the copy provided by Google as in following:

<script type="text/javascript" src="">

To add above codes:

1. From the blog Dashboard, go to Template -> Edit HTML-> Proceed -> put a check mark in front of the the "Expand Widget Templates" option (details: same as the first 3 steps in this post)

2. On your keyboard, press the "Ctrl" and "F" keys at the same time to bring up the search box.

3. In the search-box, type in </head> to search. Right above the line of </head> , insert the above 2-line JavaScript codes.

Note: It's a one-time addition. Once it's added, you do not need to do this any more in the future when adding JW Player codes.

Embed JW Player codes in the post

You can start to embed JW Player now to any Blogger post or page, by adding following JavaScript codes to the place/position where the player need to be appeared.

To add the code, make sure to switch from Compose status  to HTML status in the post Editor window.

<Div id="video1">Please install the Flash Plugin</Div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var flashvars = { file:'http://your-video-file-url-address.mp4', autostart: 'false' };
  var params = { allowfullscreen:'true', allowscriptaccess:'always' };
  var attributes = { id:'player1', name:'player1' };
  swfobject.embedSWF('','video1','470','380','9.0.115','false', flashvars, params, attributes);


1. Replace the red color  http://your-video-file-url-address.mp4 with your video's real url web address. This is the only codes you need to replace before publishing the video.

2. The red color number 470 is the width of the JW player, in pixels. Note the JW Player automatically stretches itself to fit. You can change this to the size your want.

3. The red color number 380 is the height of the player, in pixels. Note the JW Player automatically stretches itself to fit.You can change this to the size your want.

4. In case you'd like to embed more than one JW players on one page, you can add the above codes multiple times, and make sure to change following 2 thing for each players:
- Change both two video1 to video2, video3 and so on, at same time
- Change both player1 to player2, player3 and so on, at same time.


Here's an example by using above codes:

The exact codes for above video:

<Div id="video1">Please install the Flash Plugin</Div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var flashvars = { file:'', autostart: 'false' };
  var params = { allowfullscreen:'true', allowscriptaccess:'always' };
  var attributes = { id:'player1', name:'player1' };

How do you like this? 